Organization and Conception:
Prof. Dr. T. Elsherif, PhD
Address: Ankara, Turkey
Website: www.the4z.com
Email: drtarekelsherif@the4z.com
Phone: +973 3399 5807 or +90 5050 3040 16
Dr. A. Elbagory, PhD
Address: Cape Town, South Africa
Email: abdulnagy@gmail.com
Phone: +27 67 000 6028
Mr. M. Aterkar
Address: Indore, India
Email: madan.aterkar@gmail.com
Phone: +27 67 000 6028
Mrs. N. Galal
Address: Ankara, Turkey
Email: nagwa.galal@the4z.com
Phone: +90 5050 3040 16
Layout and Graphic Design and Programming:

4Z for Quality limited, Arabian Gulf – Middle East – Germany
Website: www.the4z.com
Email: info@the4z.com
Phone (WhatsApp): +90
5050 3040 16 or +973
3399 5807